Sunday, July 30, 2006

Back from Salzburg/Czec Republic!

Hey there!

Finally back from my little holiday to Salzburg (Austria) and the Czec Republic after nearly a week. It was really, really nice though!
First I drove to Salzburg from Upper Austria, and I made a short trip to "Königssee" which is near to the Austrian boarder (in Germany). Unfortunately, all the lovely pics I made from Salzburg and Königssee accidentally got deleted.. X( (How stupid can I be for aciidentally formating my SD card?? -.-)
Anyways, made some pics of the Czec Republic; it was very nice (though very hot..) and we visited quite a few cities and places such as Brno, Znojmo and a few cool sites. Check out the "Photos" links on my flickr account! ;)

Starting about 10th of August I shall be going interrail with a friend of mine, through Germany, Switzerland and also Dennmark; gonna make LOTS of pics, so I can also post them here! ;) And after that, the whole UWC experience is going to commence! :D I'll be flying on the 2nd of September; gonna keep you up to date! ;) Enjoy the pics,


Friday, July 21, 2006

First post! Hurray!

Hola to everyone!

Ok, Chris goes international once again ^^ This time: Canada!
I've had like quite a few events regarding the UWC here in Austria but even though I always had my digital camera with me, I never seemed to have made any pictures. How unthinkable is that? (Ok, I admit, mostly I mysteriously never took a single picture on those events due to lack of time to concentrate on stuff like that because I was having a great time, but ok at times it was due to empty battery.. ;P)
And unforetunately all the current UWC events for this summer are over here in Austria so I guess I'll have to wait with UWC pics till I arrive at the Pearson College in Vitoria on the 3rd of Sep.
I also decided not to post pics on international stuff of the past (such as Dubai, Austria, etc.) since you can look that up on my space over at msn. Here's the link by the way: Feel free to add me if you wish to (
And besides, this blog is called Chris in >CANADA< ^^ So I shall be posting pics and posts on anything which has to do with that rather than events of the past which have no connection to it.. ;P Anyhow, my dad's on holiday with his wife for the next two weeks and I'm suppose to drive them around with me having received my driving licence a few weeks ago.. X) And we'll be going to places like Salzburg or also the Czech republic, so I'll probably make more effort to shoot some pics! ;) And after that, I'll be gonig interrail till the end of August, but more on that after two weeks. Well bye then! Chris PS: Oh, and for all who like don't understand anything when "UWC" is mentioned, here's a link: Inform yourself about it, in case you haven't! It's really, really intersting and worth experiencing and which goals are really worth living up to!
Basically this blog is based upon my UWC experience which beginning events (the selection here in Austria and some other UWC events in Austria) I was not able to include due to my.. well hehe ^^.. digital camera "problem" but I do intend and yes, could nearly promise, that I shall be updating a lot, a lot, a lot in the future! ;) So chekc out every now and then. Well for now, hasta luego! ;)