Back from Salzburg/Czec Republic!

Hey there!
Finally back from my little holiday to Salzburg (Austria) and the Czec Republic after nearly a week. It was really, really nice though!
First I drove to Salzburg from Upper Austria, and I made a short trip to "Königssee" which is near to the Austrian boarder (in Germany). Unfortunately, all the lovely pics I made from Salzburg and Königssee accidentally got deleted.. X( (How stupid can I be for aciidentally formating my SD card?? -.-)
Anyways, made some pics of the Czec Republic; it was very nice (though very hot..) and we visited quite a few cities and places such as Brno, Znojmo and a few cool sites. Check out the "Photos" links on my flickr account! ;)
Starting about 10th of August I shall be going interrail with a friend of mine, through Germany, Switzerland and also Dennmark; gonna make LOTS of pics, so I can also post them here! ;) And after that, the whole UWC experience is going to commence! :D I'll be flying on the 2nd of September; gonna keep you up to date! ;) Enjoy the pics,
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